RRS :: Ramos, Ripoll & Schuster
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Informative Bulletin
Labor Law

Regulation of Employees? Food Aid Law

June, 2015

Regulation of Employees? Food Aid Law

On June 04, 2015, the Regulation of the Employees? Food Aid Law (?the Regulation?) was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (?DOF?).

The Regulation contains the guidelines and requirements to be fulfilled by Employers and all those individuals or entities which provide food services, in accordance with the following provisions:


Purpose of the Regulation

The Regulation aims to establish the necessary measures for the creation of schemes in order to provide food aid in favor of the employees within their working environment. The Regulation includes labor relations ruled by article 123, paragraph A of the Mexican Constitution.

Liabilities and Prohibitions of the Employers

Employers shall be responsible for the implementation of a food aid program for their employees through the execution of written agreements with food-service providers, restaurants or food establishments, pantry providers, as well as with those who issue meal vouchers. Employers must keep electronic or physical records, in order to demonstrate that the food aid has been effectively provided.

The employers have the duty to verify that the food aid provided holds the characteristics of a correct diet (balanced, healthy, and sufficient). In addition, employers must comply with safety and health conditions foreseen by the Secretary of Health.

Prohibitions for Food Aid Providers

Owners and managers responsible for the provision of food aid, are forbidden to receive, either, meal or pantry vouchers out of their validity period (60 natural days after they have been issued), as well as giving money in exchange for other sort of purchases or consumptions, and to receive vouchers in order to obtain goods different from those already mentioned.

Permanent National Campaign Promotion

The Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare, in collaboration with the Secretary of Health, shall be responsible for the creation of a national campaign for the promotion of the benefits offered to employers and employees through the implementation of the Food Aid programs implemented by the Regulation.

Date of entry into force

The Regulation entered into force on June 05, 2015; except for meal vouchers, which shall enter into force 180 natural days after the publication of the Regulation.

For additional information, you may contact any of the members of our Labor Practice Team.

M. Alejandro Ripoll-Gonz�lez

[email protected]

Emmanuel Ibarra-Castillo

[email protected]

Pablo Mora Dragicevic

[email protected]

Kelly Couto Gonz�lez

[email protected]

IMPORTANT NOTE:?The information here contained is of general nature and for informative purposes only. Please consider that what is here stated does not apply circumstances of any individual or entity. We strongly recommend not performing any activity based on this information without the professional assistance of our lawyers considering your particular circumstances

Our Labor Practice Team can gladly assist you in the following areas:

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Labor Due Dilligence
Labor Agreements
Bargaining Collective Agreements
Internal Labor Rules
Employer Substitution

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