RRS :: Ramos, Ripoll & Schuster
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Labor & Social Security

Regulation of the articles 121 and 122 of the Federal Labor Law.


Regulation of the articles 121 and 122 of the Federal Labor Law

On June 05, 2014, entered into force the Regulation of the articles 121 and 122 of the Federal Labor Law, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (?DOF?) regarding to the Chapter VIII ?Participation of the Workers in the Profits of Business? which establishes the possibility to raise objections to the Annual Declaration presented by the employer to the Secretary of Finance and Public Credit. This Regulation contains the guidelines and requirements to follow, which will be explained in the following Newsletter



This Regulation has the objective to regulate the procedure related to the objections raised by the workers to the Annual Declaration presented by the employer to the Secretary of Finance and Public Credit.

�Who has the possibility to raise objections?

The Union that holds the collective agreement, the Contract Law party or the majority of workers of the business have the right to raise objections regarding the Annual Declaration.

Likewise, these parties have the following rights:

-To receive a copy of the Annual Declaration presented by the employer to the Secretary of Finance and Public Credit.

-To review the Declaration attachments.

-To raise objections regarding to the Annual Declaration.

In order to accredit legal capacity from the majority of the workers, the Labor Authority shall make extraordinary inspections in order to verify the number of workers of the work place.

The workers shall have 30 days to raise their objections regarding to the Annual Declaration to the Secretary of Finance and Public Credit.

�When shall the distribution of profits be performed?

The distribution of profits shall be performed within the 60 natural days following the date that the annual taxes are paid, that is, the 31st of May of each year.

It is necessary to emphasize, that the claim for the distribution of profits does not extinguish by lapse of time, as the profits shall accumulate to the following year.

Liabilities of the Employers

The employer must deliver a copy of the Annual Declaration to the Union that holds the collective agreement or to the majority of workers in order to inform the financial situation that the employer holds.

Intersecretary Commission

The Regulation establishes the creation of the Intersecretary Commission for the Distribution of Profits among the Workers, which will have the following functions:

-To attend the workers claims.

-To establish the coordination measures among the labor and tax authorities.

-To approve the programs and activities of the Commision.

For additional information, you may contact any of the members of our Labor & Social Security practice team.

M. Alejandro Ripoll-Gonz�lez

[email protected]

Emmanuel Ibarra-Castillo

[email protected]

Pablo Mora Dragicevic

[email protected]

IMPORTANT NOTE: The information here contained is of general nature and for informative purposes only. Please consider that what is here stated does not apply circumstances of any individual or entity. We strongly recommend not performing any activity based on this information without the professional assistance of our lawyers considering your particular circumstances.

Our Labor & Social Security Practice Team can gladly assist you in the following areas:

Counseling in Labor

Labor Litigation

Labor Due Dilligence

Labor Agreements

Bargaining Collective Agreements

Internal Labor Rules

Employer Substitution

Occupational Health and Safety

Migratory Matters


Preventive Actions

Labor Benefits Plans


Liquidation of companies and severance?

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