Untitled Document
Professional Team
> Diego A. Ramos Castillo
> Alejandro Ripoll González
> Alejandro Schuster Benítez
> Edmundo Elías-fernández
> Emmanuel Ibarra Castillo
> Guadalupe Esparza Sánchez
> José Carlos Romero Loaiza
> Mario Jorge Yáñez Vega
> Rodolfo Ramos Menchaca
> Rubén Darío Gómez Arnaiz
> Brianda Paula Ramírez Cordero
> Daniel Torres Güémez
> Diego A. Alvarez Ampudia
> Flor García Rivera
> J. Rafael Amador Espinosa
> José Antonio Casas Vessi
> Oscar Mauricio Angulo Peña
> Salvador Orozco González
> Alan Francisco Barajas Enríquez
> Arturo Hegewisch Díaz Infante
> Enrique Hernández Temblador
> Erick Emilio Garduño González
> Frida Sofía Rojas Cuéllar
> Gabriel Gallo Arellano
> Itzel Gutiérrez Vargas
> José Eduardo González Rodríguez
> Juan Ramón Lara Velázquez
> Karla M. Peña Medina
> Michelle Yemha Gutiérrez
> Roxán Loya Padilla
> Adriana Gónzalez Gascón
> Aldo Reynoso Flores
> Alfonso Valdés Tostado
> Carlos Humberto Lira Dale
> Daniela Monserrat Márquez Ledezma
> Diego A. Ramos González ⠠
> Diego Alberto Escobedo Chaires
> Fidel Fernández Cerdeira
> Grecia Lorian Murillo Baltazar
> Javier Tavares Ruvalcaba
> Jessica Ledesma Rodríguez
> Juan Alvaro Ancona Winsnes
> Lourdes Vianey Gutiérrez Valdez
> Miriam Alejandra Reyna Olivares
> Natalia Guadalupe Gutiérrez Castro
> Paulina Ortiz Briggs
> Rodrigo Acuña Gorozpe
> Sarah Elizabeth Dávila Cortés
> Victor Manuel De La Torre Mariscal
> Yetlatzini Espinosa Ibarra
> Ernesto Ampudia Mello
> Francisco Maass Peña
> José Pablo Ramos Castillo
> Ma Del Pilar Ricart Andrew
> Mario A. Olivas Molinares
> Rafael Raya Lois
> Raul Padilla Padilla
> Adrián Jair Castillo Carrasco
> Jorge Martínez García
> Luz Areli Sandoval Aguirre
> Mariana Gortázar Michel
> Sofia Marisol Medina Cázares
> Alfredo Ramos Reynoso
> Ana Teresa Chávez Rivera
> Arath Noé Romero Zepeda
> Blanca Torres Laguna
> Camila Gutiérrez Villaseñor
> Carolina López Ascencio
> Daniela Sánchez Martínez
> Eduardo Ramos Guerra
> Fernando Gallegos Meda
> Francisco Xavier Arroyo Maldonado
> José David Chagollán Godoy
> José Eduardo De La Torre Lozano
> Josemaría Hernández Mak
> Julián Orozco Organista
> Julieta Quiroz Barba
> Luz Ximena Castañeda Ibarra
> Rodrigo Ríos Barba
> Santiago Ramos Sanabria
Management Team
> Alondra García Gutiérrez
> Alondra Zaragoza González
> América Georgina Panduro Partida
> Christian Vladimir Jiménez Quiroz
> Danya Fernana Melo López
> Graciela Gutiérrez Robledo
> Jazmín Madrigal Hernández
> Jessica Paulina Sánchez Muñoz
> Juan Carlos Sánchez Pérez
> Mara Sofia Fierro López
> María Fernanda Colomé Celis
> Mariana Ochoa Cortez
> Miguel Angel Rodríguez Godínez
> Natalia Espíritu Reyes
> Paulina Noriega Gutiérrez
> Rosa Isela Escutia Mendiola
> Silvia Yanet Silva Montes
Junior Associate

General Background

Lourdes Gutiérrez holds a bachelor’s degree in law from the Faculty of Law at Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara campus.

She joined the Firm in 2022 as part of the Corporate and Business team at our Guadalajara office.
Before joining Ramos Ripoll & Schuster, she worked at CORTEVA for two years, where she was recognized for her contributions to the legal team.

Practice Area

She possesses experience across various sectors and industries, including manufacturing, seeds and agricultural chemicals, packaging technology, among others. Her expertise lies in Corporate and Business practice, where she has provided counsel to both national and international clients. She has been involved in mergers and acquisitions transactions, as well as in the restructuring and organization of companies.

Academic and Professional Activities


- Specialization in Obligations and Contracts from the Faculty of Law at Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara campus.
- Participated in the IV International Congress of Commercial Law organized by the Institute of Legal Research at Universidad Panamericana.
- Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Corporate Law and Business Development at the same institution.

Practice Areas

Corporativo y Negocios


Español, Inglés, Francés.


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