General Background
Mr. Orozco has more than 18 years of experience in the tax practice. Mr. Orozco has focused his practice on tax compliance and tax consulting. Mr. Orozco has advised several taxpayers mainly in the real estate, automotive, pharmaceutical, financial, primary sector, among others.
Mr. Orozco has participated in advising his clients in corporate restructurings, mergers, spin-offs, sale of shares, sale of real estate, trusts, among others.
Practice Area
Mr. Orozco joined the law firm Ramos, Ripoll & Schuster as Senior Associate of the Tax and International Trade Group (2022).
He is a member of the Colegio de Contadores Públicos de Guadalajara Jalisco of the Instituto Mexicano de Contadores Públicos and an active member of the Comisión Fiscal 2.0 and Comisión de Apoyo al Ejercicio Independiente 2.0.
He is also a professor at the Universidad de Guadalajara teaching the subject "Normas fiscales de la actividad financiera". He is a professor of the module "Código Fiscal de la Federación" of the "Diplomado en impuestos y su aplicación contable" taught at the Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas of the said University.
In addition, he has been a speaker at various national and international forums on topics related to taxation and auditing in Mexico.