Untitled Document
Professional Team
> Diego A. Ramos Castillo
> Alejandro Ripoll González
> Alejandro Schuster Benítez
> Edmundo Elías-fernández
> Emmanuel Ibarra Castillo
> Flor García Rivera
> Guadalupe Esparza Sánchez
> José Carlos Romero Loaiza
> Mario Jorge Yáñez Vega
> Rodolfo Ramos Menchaca
> Rubén Darío Gómez Arnaiz
> Alan Francisco Barajas Enríquez
> Brianda Paula Ramírez Cordero
> Daniel Torres Güémez
> Diego A. Alvarez Ampudia
> J. Rafael Amador Espinosa
> José Antonio Casas Vessi
> José Eduardo González Rodríguez
> Karla M. Peña Medina
> Oscar Mauricio Angulo Peña
> Salvador Orozco González
> Alfonso Valdés Tostado
> Arturo Hegewisch Díaz Infante
> Diego Alberto Escobedo Chaires
> Enrique Hernández Temblador
> Erick Emilio Garduño González
> Frida Sofía Rojas Cuéllar
> Gabriel Gallo Arellano
> Itzel Gutiérrez Vargas
> Juan Ramón Lara Velázquez
> Michelle Yemha Gutiérrez
> Roxán Loya Padilla
> Adriana Gónzalez Gascón
> Aldo Reynoso Flores
> Carlos Humberto Lira Dale
> Daniela Monserrat Márquez Ledezma
> Diego A. Ramos González ⠠
> Fidel Fernández Cerdeira
> Grecia Lorian Murillo Baltazar
> Javier Tavares Ruvalcaba
> Jessica Ledesma Rodríguez
> Juan Alvaro Ancona Winsnes
> Lourdes Vianey Gutiérrez Valdez
> Miriam Alejandra Reyna Olivares
> Natalia Guadalupe Gutiérrez Castro
> Paulina Ortiz Briggs
> Rodrigo Acuña Gorozpe
> Sarah Elizabeth Dávila Cortés
> Victor Manuel De La Torre Mariscal
> Yetlatzini Espinosa Ibarra
> Ernesto Ampudia Mello
> Francisco Maass Peña
> José Pablo Ramos Castillo
> Ma Del Pilar Ricart Andrew
> Mario A. Olivas Molinares
> Rafael Raya Lois
> Adrián Jair Castillo Carrasco
> Carolina López Ascencio
> Jorge Martínez García
> José Eduardo De La Torre Lozano
> Luz Areli Sandoval Aguirre
> Sofia Marisol Medina Cázares
> Alfredo Ramos Reynoso
> Andrea Naomi Ramos Macías
> Blanca Torres Laguna
> Camila Gutiérrez Villaseñor
> Daniela Sánchez Martínez
> Eduardo Ramos Guerra
> Fernando Gallegos Meda
> Javier Balderrama Alarcon
> José David Chagollán Godoy
> Julián Orozco Organista
> Julieta Quiroz Barba
> Karla Estefanía Guerra Casillas
> María Jimena Gutiérrez Sepúlveda
> Pablo Esteban Macias Guerrero
> Rodrigo Ríos Barba
> Santiago Ramos Sanabria
Management Team
> Alondra García Gutiérrez
> América Georgina Panduro Partida
> Christian Vladimir Jiménez Quiroz
> Danya Fernana Melo López
> Jessica Paulina Sánchez Muñoz
> Juan Carlos Sánchez Pérez
> Mara Sofia Fierro López
> María Fernanda Colomé Celis
> Mariana Ochoa Cortez
> Miguel Angel Rodríguez Godínez
> Natalia Espíritu Reyes
> Paulina Noriega Gutiérrez
> Rosa Isela Escutia Mendiola
> Silvia Yanet Silva Montes

General Background

Javier Balderrama is a Law student at Universidad Panamericana. He joined the firm in 2024 as part of the Litigation & Dispute Resolution team in Guadalajara.

Practice Area

Javier supports in the area of Litigation Practice & Dispute Resolution

Academic and Professional Activities

Bachelor of Law, Universidad Panamericana, Guadalajara Campus, January 2023 - Present (4th Semester).

Participated in the Outstanding Students Program during high school at the University of Guadalajara.
He was a speaker and trainer in the Public Speaking and Model United Nations (MUN) Workshop.
He has held administrative and teaching support roles at the University of Guadalajara.
He has been a delegate in multiple Model United Nations conferences, including NYMUNLAC (New York Model United Nations Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean).
He participated as a youth deputy in the H. Congress of the State of Jalisco.

Practice Areas

Litigio y Solución de Controversias


español e inglés


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